Pair accused of pilfering part of car in which actor and friend died...

08:57, Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Two men have been charged with theft after stealing pieces of the wreckage of the car which Paul Walker[1] and his friend Roger Rodas died in.

The Mirror[2]
reports that Jameson Witty and Anthony Janow have both been charged with one felony count of grand theft of personal property and two misdemeanour counts of destroying evidence and "resisting, obstructing and delaying a peace officer".

It is claimed that the duo snatched a roof panel from the destroyed Porsche Carrera GT after the tow truck carrying it from the scene of the accident stopped at traffic lights.

Prosecutors also claim that they had already been warned not to tamper with the crime scene.

If convicted, they could face a maximum of four and a half years in jail.

Thousands of mourners turned out to say farewell to Walker [3] in a social media-organised memorial event near the scene of the crash on Sunday.

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  1. ^ Paul Walker (

  2. ^ The Mirror (

  3. ^ turned out to say farewell to Walker (


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