On the back of arguably her most successful year as a recording artist, 2013 has also seen Taylor Swift give, give and give as she was crowned the most charitable star of 2013. In the 'Top 20 Celebs Gone Good' list compiled by DoSomething.org[1] , Swift was crowned the most giving celebrity of the year by the non-profit charity group following a year of helping the under-privileged.

Livin' on a Prayer

Swift helped raise cash with Bon Jovi and Prince William with their rendition of 'Livin' on a Prayer'

In the past twelve months, Swift has donated $100,000[2] to the Nashville Symphony and raised money for the homeless[3] in London with Bon Jovi and Prince William, but other than just giving away her money, Taylor has also given away plenty of her valuable time for charitable causes too. In addition to fronting group therapy sessions[4] for her bullied fans, Swift has also pledged her time to a number of younger fans facing serious troubles. Among them, Taylor met with a 7-year-old fan named Grace Markel, who was struck down by a car on the way to a previous performance by Swift, before a show in September. She also spent some of her Christmas Day on the phone to a cancer-stricken fan who was spending the holidays in hospital.

Other stars in the list include One Direction and Beyoncé, who come in at No. 2 and 3 in the list respectably. The boyband raised $3.2 million with their charity single for Comic Relief and also visited Ghana earlier this year as part of Red Nose Day. Beyoncé headlined the London concert Chime For Change earlier this year, which aims to raise awareness for women's rights across the world, as well as donating thousands of pounds to various charities across the year.

One Direction

One Direction have also been generous this year

Breaking Bad stars Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul were recognised together for their joint work with the anti-bullying charity The Kind Campaign, whilst Oklahoma Thunder forward Kevin Durant and actress and comedienne Mindy Kaling were among the other non-musicians on the list. The full list is available at dosomething.org[5] .

Taylor Swift Winter Whites

How will Swift top 2013 next year?


Tags: Taylor Swift - One Direction - Beyonce Knowles - Mindy Kaling - Bryan Cranston - Aaron Paul - Justin Bieber[6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]


  1. ^ DoSomething.org (www.dosomething.org)

  2. ^ donated $100,000 (www.contactmusic.com)

  3. ^ raised money for the homeless (www.contactmusic.com)

  4. ^ fronting group therapy sessions (www.contactmusic.com)

  5. ^ dosomething.org (www.dosomething.org)

  6. ^ Taylor Swift (www.contactmusic.com)

  7. ^ One Direction (www.contactmusic.com)

  8. ^ Beyonce Knowles (www.contactmusic.com)

  9. ^ Mindy Kaling (www.contactmusic.com)

  10. ^ Bryan Cranston (www.contactmusic.com)

  11. ^ Aaron Paul (www.contactmusic.com)

  12. ^ Justin Bieber (www.contactmusic.com)


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