"Downton Abbey"[1] returned Sunday night, which is great news for its legions of Anglophile fans. However, Season 4 began in melancholy fashion. Which is to be expected, considering (you don't really need me to tell you spoilers are coming about the Season 3 finale, do you? OK, consider yourself warned) that Season 3 ended with a shockingly sad development, just as it seemed things were getting back on track at Downton.

Yes, tears were still being shed six months after we saw Matthew Crawley lying dead after a traffic accident, just as he was happiest as he'd ever been, with the birth of his and his beloved Lady Mary's (Michelle Dockery) baby son and Downton heir, George.

The six months since Matthew's death have left Mary in deep mourning, prone to lying down, staring out of windows, making snippy remarks and all but ignoring baby George.

The two-hour opener included some other lighter moments, mostly courtesy of the downstairs staff (Mrs. Patmore being flustered at the arrival of newfangled appliances is always a highlight, as far as I'm concerned.) But the mood was downbeat, with even the indomitable Isobel (Penelope Wilton) depressed by the loss of her only child. And let's not even start with perpetual sad sack, Mr. Molesley, who lost his job at Downton with Matthew's death, and can't get another position.

In general, I wasn't too distressed by the somber tone of much of the opening episode,[2] but others have found it a bummer.

What do you think? Was this the kind of return to "Downton Abbey" you were hoping for? Or was it all a bit too sad?

Points to ponder:

* Is anyone going to miss O'Brien? I think her storyline had run its course. How long can a character invent malicious schemes for no apparent reason without turning into a female version of Snideley Whiplash?

* What's Mr. Barrow got against Anna? Just as the formerly unlikable Barrow had shown a human side last season, coming to grips with his homosexuality and dealing with prejudice because of it, he's back to being as nasty as he wants to be. Why does he now seem to be conspiring to get Anna in trouble? Is it his residual resentment against Mr. Bates? If so, talk about holding a grudge.

* Is Mrs. Hughes a saint, or what? We already know she's the heart and soul of this operation, but the season opener found her adding to her workload by helping both Mr. Carson and Isobel get back in touch with their best selves. Come to think of it, Mrs. Hughes may not be a saint, but she's definitely the Oprah of Downton.

* Lady Edith's affair can't end well. Heaven knows, Edith's love life is already a series of disappointments, and she seems due for another one, with her dalliance with her married editor. Plus, how ridiculous is it that he can't get divorced because he has an insane wife? "Jane Eyre" used that plotline quite a while ago, and it hasn't gotten fresher -- or more plausible -- with age.

* Lord Grantham's always on the wrong side of history, so why is he still so lovable? Here he is, enabling Mary to remain moored in her depression, and enthusiastically planning to regain total control of the estate. Not that most sympathetic move. But High Bonneville makes us like him, anyway, dash it all.

* Did you hear more about "death duties" than you really wanted to? The British tax system may be fascinating, but zzzzzz...

* Why doesn't the Dowager Countess start an employment agency? She seems to take a keen interest in getting jobs for everyone, though that didn't do Molesley much good.

* Matthew was lovely and all, but I think Mary and Carson's relationship is my favorite element of the show.

* Who else is already tired of Edna Braithwaite, the trouble-making maid with eyes for Branson?

* Speaking of Branson, I never get tired of seeing the Dowager Countess squirm as she struggles with what to call him.

Well, what did you all think? Please share comments.

-- Kristi Turnquist


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