A young dinosaur grows up in the computer-animated 3-D nature adventure "Walking With Dinosaurs." Courtesy BBC Earth/20th Century Fox

"Walking With Dinosaurs" is gorgeous to look at and painful to hear. Amazing CGI is marred by a terrible script and ridiculous dialogue.

Based on the outstanding documentaries that used film technology to bring dinosaurs to life, the movie follows the adventures of baby dinosaur Patchi (voiced by Justin Long). There’s danger. Romance. And a lot of poop jokes. Heck, just minutes into the film, Patchi gets pooped on.


At a glance


‘Walking With Dinosaurs’

Opens today at theaters everywhere; rated PG for violent CGI dinosaur battles; 87 minutes.

Adults will feel as if they have been, too.

The story is narrated by a prehistoric bird, Alex (John Leguizamo), but none of the creatures’ mouths actually move. Which means either (a) they’re telepathic, or (b) somebody decided to slap the bad dialogue onto this film very late in the process.

I’m betting the answer is (b). And the bad dialogue largely ruins even the exciting sequences when Patchi and his herd battle predators.

Kids young enough to find poop jokes amusing may enjoy "Walking With Dinosaurs," although the youngest kids may be frightened by some of the sequences.

Their parents will feel as if this 87-minute film is at least twice that length.


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