No One Wants To Live Next Door To Kim Kardashian And Kanye West

Here’s the biggest shocker of 2013: No one wants to live next door to attention seeking douchebags! Who knew?!?

When conducted their survey to see who would make the best and the worst celebrity neighbors ever, the results weren’t shocking whatsoever. Jimmy Fallon topped the list of the best neighbor, while attention seeking couple Kim Kardashian and her rapper fiance Kanye West were at the very bottom. TMZ reports:[1]

Zillow has revealed the celebs American would LEAST like to have as their neighbors … and Kim and Kanye top the list — according to 25% of us common folk. Only 2% feel the opposite.

The Honey Boo Boo clan comes in second in the worst celeb neighbor contest, weighing in at 18%. Somewhat surprising … Justin Beiber came in 3rd at 16%, and Miley 4th aqt 16%.

As for the best celeb neighbor, Jimmy Fallon wins with 11%, while Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton share second position with Jennifer Lawrence at 10%.

Is anyone really surprised by any of this?


  1. ^ TMZ reports: (


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