In a move that has terrified fans the world over, Disney have acquired the full rights to the Indiana Jones movies series, meaning they are now free to film future Indie titles as and when they please. According to Deadline [1] , Walt Disney Studios and Paramount Pictures came to an agreement on Friday, 6 December, that secures marketing and distribution privileges for the Indiana Jones franchise.

Harrison Ford

Will Harrison Ford be appearing in another adventure?

The deal between the two picture houses comes a year after Disney took their first steps towards securing the rights to the Indiana Jones series, when the company purchased Lucasfilms in a multi-billion-dollar deal last October. The new deal gives Disney marketing and distribution rights to any future Indie films and also means that Lucasfilm retains the ownership rights to all the Indiana Jones films. Essentially, the deal means that Disney are now the sole owners of the Indiana Jones movie franchise and have full authority to do whatever they please with it.

The deal doesn't exactly leave Paramount without a bullwhip to lean on, as the studio will continue to have distribution rights to the first three films and the abomination that was released in 2008.

Harrison Ford Enders Game

The actor has voiced his desire to appear in more Indiana Jones movies

This is the latest major motion picture franchise that Disney has secured the rights to, having acquired full rights to the Star Wars franchise with their purchase of Lucasfilm last year. The studio are already working on a seventh Star Wars film, with another two in the pipeline and spin-off movies also planned, with the first of the new batch expected to arrive in cinemas in December 2015.

Disney have yet to announce plans for a fifth Indiana Jones film, however with the recent purchase and Harrison Ford's recent declaration[2] that he wants to appear in a fifth Indie film, it is looking likely that a fifth film will be on the way. Please Disney, we beg you, no more aliens!


Tags: Harrison Ford - George Lucas - Steven Spielberg - INDIANA JONES - Disney[3] [4] [5] [6] [7]


  1. ^ Deadline (

  2. ^ recent declaration (

  3. ^ Harrison Ford (

  4. ^ George Lucas (

  5. ^ Steven Spielberg (


  7. ^ Disney (


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