For good reasons, a book by actress Cameron Diaz showing her long blonde hair pouring down her tawny long limbed and athletically thin body on the cover, is enough to make most women head for bed, pulling the covers over our head and refusing to come out for a lengthy period of time—maybe the next millennium even.

But Diaz didn’t write "The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body" (HarperCollins 2013; $25.99), as a way to torture we poor mortals.

Because Diaz sees herself as role model to millions, she wanted her book to emphasize that achieving a size zero isn’t what it’s all about and being healthy is much more important. Her premise is that a holistic, long-term approach to making consistently good choices helps us achieve the ultimate goal of a long, strong, happy, healthy life. Diaz writes she thinks it’s important that all women understand that starting from the teenage years on up.

In other words stick thin, weird diets and not eating is out, being healthy is in.

For Diaz, a former burrito with all the fixings kind of gal (she found that kind of diet was bad for her skin and health), the keys are understanding hunger is a nature’s way of telling us we need nutrient-dense, whole unprocessed foods to satisfy our cravings. She also showcases the role exercise plays in a healthy lifestyle and in the mind-body connection by focusing on the essential role of movement, the importance of muscle and bone strength and why we all need to work up a sweat every day.

The book shows what she has learned over the years, she says, and is a way to share it all.


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