Marketing tool, appointment-viewing magnet, however you define it, the relationship between television[1] and Twitter has become increasingly[2] intertwined.

Now TNT and agency Deutsch New York are using the platform to unveil Frank Darabont's new series "Mob City,"[3] by posting the script of its first episode in 140-character snippets over at @MobCityTNT[4] . More than 400 tweets will be doled out over three days, every 45 minutes, until the premiere airs on December 4th. We've seen narrative fiction on Twitter before--Soderbergh![5] --but this might be the first time its been done as a straight-up marketing play.

More than just the words, the network is using Twitter Cards[6] to embed video, photos and other behind the scenes goodies of the 1940s L.A. crime drama, as well as enlisting the likes of Darabont himself[7] , and cast members like Edward Burns[8] and Simon Pegg[9] to chime in with commentary of their own.

If you don't want noir fiction mingling with all that real-world news and LOLiness in your feed, head over to[10] to follow the script and commentary in real-time and chronological order.

Read more about the making of Mob City here.[11]


  1. ^ television (

  2. ^ increasingly (

  3. ^ "Mob City," (

  4. ^ @MobCityTNT (

  5. ^ Soderbergh! (

  6. ^ Twitter Cards (

  7. ^ Darabont himself (

  8. ^ Edward Burns (

  9. ^ Simon Pegg (

  10. ^ (

  11. ^ making of Mob City here. (


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