Here is the heartbreaking image of Michael Jackson's daughter Paris welling up as she speaks about her late father.

Paris's eyes are red from crying and her face puffy after discussing her father's passing[1] for the first time at length.

In a heartbreaking film scene, Paris reveals her dream of being taught how to moonwalk by her father is gone forever.

The heartfelt moments appear in a new documentary, made by grandmother and guardian Katherine, examining the astonishing life and death of Jackson and his kids.

The movie, Remembering Michael, also features the first time his youngest son Blanket, 12, has ever spoken at length about his family.

His eldest child Prince provides an intimate insight into their relationship - and how until aged six the star hid his job from him

Holding back tears, Paris admitted: "He promised he would teach me how to moonwalk, but never got around to it."

Paris Jackson Paris Jackson

ABC News

Her interview was shot just weeks before she attempted to suicide at her Calabassas home[2] last June.

In the four-minute promo, Paris, while not naming Conrad Murray directly, referenced how Jackson surrounded himself with odd characters.

"There are a lot of bad people out there", but she said the King Of Pop "always wanted a taste of normal life."

Paris, who wore a red shirt, and heavy eye liner for the interview, continued: I really hope that his legacy lives on forever and I know it will."

In the final scene of the trailer, Paris is visibly tearful as she admits: "I will definitely never forget him ever. He was amazing

The movie features unseen home video footage and photos of the Jacksons and Neverland.

Paris remembered : We didn't know a lot of kids at our age we were more secluded. We never really left the ranch that often."

Jackson Prince, Blanket and Paris use Jackson's shoes and gloves to make hand and foot imprints in cement in the courtyard of Hollywood's Grauman's Chinese Theatre


Blanket, wearing green t-shirt with his stanch length hair hanging down, opened up on his memories of Neverland, even though he was a toddler at the time.

"He had like a zoo basically. He had giraffes, lions. He had alligators, crocodiles and snakes. "

Smiling he added: "You probably heard of it, but he had a chimp named Bubbles.

Blanket also was fascinated by his father’s dance skills

"Sometimes I would go in his room and watch videos of him dancing."

Prince also revealed how Jackson kept them sheltered from the limelight and his worldwide fame.

"He never really wanted to tell us who he is as a person. It took me 'til I was six years old to learn that his name was Michael Jackson; he was always Daddy to me and that was it."

But the supportive singer hoped for success for his offspring.

"He wanted us to be what we wanted to be, just be greater at it than anybody else had ever been."

Katherine wants to raise money to release the movie through[3] - a crowd funding site.

Prince recalled his early days bonding with his dad and said: “I learned to drive in Neverland, just doing the steering wheel and he did the gas. We would just go out into the mountains and relax. He named one of the mountains after grandma and then he named another one after grandpa and that is Mount Joseph."

Grandparents Katherine and Joe also revealed how the kids have showbiz genes. Katherine admitted: "Paris wants to be an actress. I wouldn’t let them going into being an actress. She thinks it is good, but it is a lot more work than she thinks it is."

Meanwhile, Joe feels Blanket could be the next generation's King of Pop.

Joe smirked: "They also said there would never be another Michael Jackson and I say we already have one. But I said he just has to be trained. that kid is the spitting image of Michael when Michael was smaller."

Katherine reflected on how Michael and Blanket are shy before the spotlight hits them.

Joe and Katherine Jackson arrive at court (Pic:Reuters) Joe and Katherine Jackson arrive at court (Pic:Reuters)

"When he is on stage it is different. Everything opens for him. He always told me he felt better on stage. He felt relaxed it was like a second home to him."

Since her suicide scare, Paris has been in rehab and then remained at a boarding school in Utah.

Joe Jackson revealed how a fortune teller predicted MJ would be a star in the mid 1970s

"She said 'that boy right there is going to be the biggest entertainer in the world'."

As they scoured over his business dealings, Katherine was livid at her son being branded "stupid" and “crazy”.

While not naming Conrad Murray directly,[4] Katherine admits her grief in not stepping in to help her son as he battled addiction and an exhausting London comeback schedule.

She added: "There was too many demands to do the things that he was doing.

“I wish I would have said that is enough. Yes I could have said that.”

Prince chimed in too: "He said always watch out for people."

And brother Tito added: "They just didn't leave him alone, that ran my brother crazy."

See the trailer below


  1. ^ her father's passing (

  2. ^ just weeks before she attempted to suicide at her Calabassas home (

  3. ^ (

  4. ^ While not naming Conrad Murray directly, (


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