Artists unexpectedly stop shows all the time for any number of reasons: being pelted with a bottle or to kick a flag[1] off stage, yell at a heckler or run off because of illness.

But on Sunday night at the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, Justin Timberlake[2] interrupted the proceedings for the best reason of all, helping a diehard fan make his girlfriend's dreams come true.

"Josh and Kim, why don't ya'll make your way up here," Timberlake said just after performing "That Girl" and leading the lovebirds up onto the top of his grand piano. "This is Josh and Kim. Josh called me earlier. He's got something he wants to tell you."

At that point, the audience went crazy, screaming as Josh got ready to give Kim an early Christmas present a month after he got in touch with JT's camp asking if he could propose during the Kentucky tour stop.

And then Josh took Kim's hand, and a microphone from JT, got down on one knee (cue more insane screaming) and asked a shaking Kim to be his bride. The happy couple shared a passionate kiss as JT gave them a round of applause and every dude in the house with a ring sitting in his nightstand at home started to rethink that whole Christmas Eve snowy walk proposal plan.

JT was clearly psyched about making Josh and Kim's concert a memorable one, excitedly tweeting about the precious moment the next morning.


  1. ^ kick a flag (

  2. ^ Justin Timberlake (

  3. ^ (

  4. ^ December 16, 2013 (


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