American Horror Story: Coven returns with a look inside what’s been going on inside a few of the character’s heads. Check out the full examination in our recap below!

This week, American Horror Story: Coven episode 9, “Head” reveals witch hunting is a multimillion dollar organization, with Hank’s dad at the helm. Meanwhile, a few other heads experience breakthrough moments and others are blown to bits.

Delphi Trust: The demand for witch hunters over the course of generations has made one particular organized branch worth millions. From a young boy hunting in the woods to a full-fledged witch hunter. Always just shy of being able to take down a witch himself, Hank tries to prove that he can and will become the hunter his father always wanted. For now, he must learn to hunt with care. Gather intelligence, remain a soldier in the shadow war, and not lose himself to the lie. Those are the keys to success in his father’s eyes.

Unfortunately for Hank, the lie is making it nearly impossible to succeed. After living with Cordelia, he has developed a true admiration for her. His father arranges the acid toss as a ploy for Hank to get back into the home to support her. Cordelia, after filing for divorce, refuses to let Hank around the house for much longer. She dismisses him to gather his belongings and leave. Fiona’s newest pet, an vicious attack dog, does not like Hank around anymore than the woman of the house.

Hank is losing his good graces with Marie Laveau. Either he brings her the heads of the witches in the Coven by midnight, or it will be his head she places on her mantel. When the time comes for the kill, Hank brandishes his guns and storms in shooting. Only it is not at the Academy, but rather Corn Row City. With a few voo doo tribe members down, Hank shoots Queenie enough to fatally wound her. With the her last ounce of strength, Queenie drags herself towards Laveau and fires a bullet through her own head, killing Hank.

Alone in his office in Atlanta, Hanks father weeps over the loss of his son.

An Eye for an Eye: Melon ballers are certainly an underutilized kitchen tool! To celebrate her triumphant return, Myrtle Snow invited the council over for a multi-course meal. In between courses, while the guests, Quentin and Pemby, cleanse their palates, Myrtle takes the moment to do the same. Myrtle takes little ease in the council’s attempt to wash over condemning her to death as they complement her rejuvenated skin. Instead, Myrtle has another use for the melon scooper in mind.

As the Council ingests monk wood, rendering them human statues, Myrtle scoops their eyes out to restore Cordelia’s vision. The anonymous donors will not be able to answer toFiona’s demands any longer. Especially after Myrtle took their bodies to visit the set of Breaking Bad and had them chopped and dissolved in acid.

Now that Cordelia has her sense of sight restored, another is ripped away. The gift of seeing comes with the cost of losing another sight. Fiona has little tolerance for the antics of Miss Snow and threatens to banish her to Paramus, the land of outlet malls.


Godspeak: Nan sits vigil at Luke’s door in the hospital since she is not allowed anywhere near him. An exhausted Joan, prays at his bedside waiting for him to wake up, until Nan enters and reveals that she is able to communicate with Luke using her “demon ways.” After asking for a song from his early childhood, yes, Patti Lupone sang through her tears, Luke reveals a bit more than anyone bargained for.

As Luke becomes a physical embodiment standing beside Nan, he tells his mother that God is judging her for killing his father. As Luke’s father prepares to leave Joan for another woman who loved him for, well his personality, Joan locks the man in his car filled with bees. Fed up with the witchery, Joan throws Nan out. As Luke awakes later and begins to weep for his mother, she soothes him back to sleep, only to smother him with a pillow a few seconds later!

Roots: Queenie may be living under the house rules of Laveau for now, but her loyalties are not fully won over just yet. When Laveau asks that Delphine’s head be burned in the back, Queenie instead tortures her in a creative way; listening to all eight hours of roots and listening to marches on segregation. Perhaps the most moving of all moments for Delphine arrives as Queenie dies downstairs, and a single tear of sympathy runs down Delphine’s cheek.

Alliance: The framework of this weeks focuses on two powerful women admitting they need help. It is only when Fiona asks Laveau for assistance against the witch hunters that she believes are working in her favor, that Laveau senses she has the upper hand. When Hank turns on Laveau, she must also come to terms with the threat against all tribes of extraordinary tribes. Can you imagine these two powerful women running New Orleans together?


•Fiona cleaning up the girls sloppy work and training Kyle to be the attack dog of the house. Perhaps we will finally get a few good moments with him!

•Myrtle Snow: “I won’t kill you before dessert. I put a lot of effort into the key lime pie!”

•Delphine’s decapitated body waving Fiona and Laveau away from the cage. (STILL WEARING THE TIGER SWEATSHIRT)

American Horror Story: Coven will take a month off before returning with the final four episodes! Typically Ryan Murphy begins to drop hints for the next season now! Be sure to keep your eyes peeled ;)

Watch American Horror Story: Coven episode 10, ‘The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks’ Wednesday, January 8 at 10 p.m. on FX

What awaits New Orleans now that an alliance seems to be in the works on ‘American Horror Story: Coven’?


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