ed helms naked gun

Ladies and gentlemen, may we present to you the new Detective Frank Drebin!

The Hangover’s Ed Helms[1] will try his best to fill the enormous shoes left behind by Leslie Nielsen, who originated the role in the Naked Gun film trilogy!

The crime comedies from the 80s and 90s featured some of the driest, most HIGHlarious jokes around, so we think Ed might be the perfect cop for this new case!

Mr. Nielsen, who many would Shirley surely recognize from his role in Airplane!, sadly passed away in 2010. And while he isn’t around to give Helms his blessing, we’ve got to assume he’d approve of handing over his badge to the next generation!

We can’t wait to see what this reboot will be about! Maybe it’ll just be a classic story of boy finds girl, boy loses girl, girl finds boy, boy forgets girl, boy remembers girl, girls dies in a tragic blimp[2] accident over the Orange Bowl on New Year's Day….

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  1. ^ Ed Helms (perezhilton.com)

  2. ^ blimp (perez.ly)

  3. ^ (perezhilton.com)

  4. ^ (perezhilton.com)

  5. ^ (perezhilton.com)

  6. ^ (perezhilton.com)

  7. ^ (perezhilton.com)


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