DETROIT (AP) — Mayor-elect Mike Duggan[1] on Thursday announced the roles and responsibilities he will have under state oversight when he officially takes over the top elected office in Detroit.

Following several weeks of negotiations with emergency manager Kevyn Orr[2] , Duggan said he has been given control over blight removal, public lighting and the fire department.

Orr, appointed by Gov. Rick Snyder[3] in March under Michigan's Emergency Manager Law, will continue running most city finances as he steers Detroit through restructuring as part of the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. He also continues oversight of Detroit's police department.

Having the police force fall under the mayor's control was on Duggan's wish list, but he said he will take the lead on issues agreed to with Orr.

"We're going to move very quickly now on blight, on public lighting and on the fire department," Duggan said. "You're going to see a lot of activity, even in the next two weeks. And I expect in all of those areas the citizens of the city of Detroit will see real results in 2014."

Duggan also will have control over financial matters relating to the day-to-day function of city government, according to his agreement with Orr. He will appoint all non-civil service positions within his office, but they have to be approved by Orr.

Duggan, former chief executive of the Detroit Medical Center[4] , was elected in November and takes over as mayor next month. He succeeds Dave Bing[5] who did not seek re-election to a second term.

Bing had complained of a strained relationship with Orr within months after the bankruptcy expert was given control of Detroit's finances. Duggan on Thursday described his relationship with Orr as "professional."

"You will not hear me publicly criticizing the emergency manager," he said.

A federal judge on Dec. 3 approved Orr's petition to take Detroit into bankruptcy. Orr says the city's debt is at least $18 billion.


  1. ^ Mike Duggan (

  2. ^ Kevyn Orr (

  3. ^ Rick Snyder (

  4. ^ Detroit Medical Center (

  5. ^ Dave Bing (


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