interstellar logo

Of all the upcoming tentpole movies that we talk about on this website, few intrigue me as much as Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar [1] . Partly, it's because I adore spacey sci-fi. But mainly it's because it looks to be the biggest film of Christopher Nolan[2] ’s career, a filmmaker who -- in my opinion -- has yet to direct a bad film.

The Interstellar marketing train is heading out of the station – a train metaphor for a space movie is classy, right? – and we now have the above logo to accompany the official website[3] , Facebook[4] and Twitter account[5] . The stark image arrives just in time for the highly anticipated trailer debut, which will accompany screenings of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. But worry not, dear readers. Cinema Blend will have that trailer up for everyone as soon as it’s available; we just can’t promise it won’t have our drool all over it.

There’s really not much to say about the logo, beyond the fact that it is vaguely reminiscent of the black-and-white palette of some of the Dark Knight poster imagery. Only this time the spottiness seems to be coming off of the curve of a planet. Or a wormhole, though I don’t think that would have such a defined edge. Not that I’ve been around any wormholes lately.

The official website features a countdown until the film’s premiere next November, but you can bet there are no new plot details hidden anywhere. The same goes for the new Facebook page and Twitter account. It’s somewhat troubling to consider the one-minute and 43-second trailer still might not give a whole lot of the story away. Sure, it’s always good to walk away from a preview wanting more rather than less, but Nolan movies typically are complicated enough that there are no worries about anything getting ruined in such a short amount of time. I expect a really sweet shot of the Learjet-employed IMAX footage[6] , along with Matthew McConaughey in a skintight spacesuit. For the ladies.

From a Jonathan Nolan-penned screenplay based on the theories of relativity physicist Kip Thorne, Interstellar’s main story will follow a team of scientists travel through different dimensions in order to find a way to bring food back to their dying planet. And there’s probably also some time travel going on here as well. I’m guessing it does for cinematic travel what Inception [7] did for cinematic dream sequences.

Similar to all of Nolan’s movies, he’s got an A+ cast list, including McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Michael Caine, Casey Affleck, Ellen Burstyn, Wes Bentley, Jessica Chastain, Mackenzie Foy, Bill Irwin, David Oyelowo and John Lithgow. Many directors don’t work with this many stars in their entire careers, and Nolan is putting them all in a story about wormholes.

Interstellar will pass into different theatrical dimensions when it comes out November 7, 2014. Who out there will go and see Desolation of Smaug just to see this trailer?


  1. ^ Interstellar (

  2. ^ Christopher Nolan (

  3. ^ official website (

  4. ^ Facebook (

  5. ^ Twitter account (

  6. ^ the Learjet-employed IMAX footage (

  7. ^ Inception (


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