Oh, Jennifer Lawrence, we love your stories.

Adding to her already long list of outrageous quotes, the funny actress appeared on Conan to chat about her new movie American Hustle, and shared that if she wasn't in show business, she'd want to be a maid. Why, you ask?[1]

Well, because she enjoys spraying stuff and making the bed and—most importantly—snooping around people's stuff.

Speaking of snooping, J.Law had a very interesting (and awkward, hilarious, memorable...you name it) story about her maid coming across a number of sex toys.

PHOTOS: Check out J.Law's famous fans [2]

"This is actually really funny. Somebody as a joke bought me a bunch of butt plugs. It's a long story," Lawrence said. "I had a copious amount of butt plugs. Tons of butt plugs. All different kinds of colors and the maid was coming so I was like, ‘well I'll just shove this under the bed so she doesn't see all these butt plugs.' She might not know they are for a joke."

Oh wait, it gets better.

"Then I came back and all of them were brought out of the bed and were in this beautiful display on my bedside table," she added. "I think she knew what she was doing. They were under the bed. I wanted to leave a note like, ‘not mine' or ‘bought as joke.'"

Best story ever.

PHOTOS: Who Said It: Jennifer Lawrence or Garfield? [3]



  1. ^ outrageous quotes (www.eonline.com)

  2. ^ PHOTOS: Check out J.Law's famous fans (www.eonline.com)

  3. ^ PHOTOS: Who Said It: Jennifer Lawrence or Garfield? (www.eonline.com)

  4. ^ VIDEOS: (www.eonline.com)


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