Sky FerreiraGetty/Roger Kisby

Initially scheduled for release as far back as 2010, Sky Ferreira[1] 's debut album had been delayed so many times that it had almost taken on mythical status. Launched by her label as the next Britney, her electro pop-inspired first attempt instead dribbled out as an E.P. Despite releasing one of the finest singles of last year, "Everything Is Embarrassing," her second genre-hopping stab suffered the same fate. And even though her belated full-length first studio effort, Night Time, My Time finally hit iTunes last week, it still remains unavailable anywhere else.

Thankfully for the 21-year-old, its twelve tracks prove that all the years of being stuck in development hell haven't been for nothing, even if the majority are likely to baffle the few who previously bought into her hipster-pop sound.

Indeed, you have to wonder what the team who wanted to mould her into the next teen-pop starlet would make of "Omanko," a scuzzy slice of synth-punk named after a Japanese slang word for female genitalia, and the title track, a brilliantly creepy David Lynch-esque wave of ghostly vocals and doom-laden drones which opens with the line, "I'm useless and I know it."

But that's not to say that Ferreira has entirely abandoned her pop sensibilities. "I Blame Myself" is an impressively self-aware piece of bubblegum electro which accepts that her career may have been hindered because of her sometimes questionable extra-curricular behavior. Lead single "You're Not The One" is a hook-laden gothic number which recalls The Cure at their 80s commercial peak, while "24 Hours" and "Love In Stereo" are the kind of swoonsome new wave numbers you'd expect to hear over the closing credits of a John Hughes Brat Pack movie.

Following her party girl persona, string of modelling contracts and recent drugs bust, Ferreira was in danger of becoming more renowned for her lifestyle than her music. However, Night Time, My Time proves at last that there's some substance to her style.

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  1. ^ Sky Ferreira (


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