Westport Library[1] 's Great Hall looked otherworldly after hours Friday, transformed into the capitol of Panem, the future-world metropolis of "The Hunger Games," the popular series of science fiction novels by Suzanne Collins[2] and the movies based on the trilogy.

Teens in grades 6 to 12 were invited by the library to compete in "safe" live-action survival games, as depicted in the books, in conjunction with the impending release of the film "Catching Fire," based on the second novel in the series.

The first book in Collins' series, "The Hunger Games," is written in the voice of 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in the post-apocalyptic nation of Panem, what once was North America. The "games" are an annual event where a boy and a girl, from 12 to 18 years old, are selected to compete in a televised battle to the death.

Following the events of that novel, a rebellion against the oppressive regime has begun in "Catching Fire," and Katniss and fellow "tribute" Peeta Mellark are forced to return to the arena.

To set the stage for its portrayal of the epic, the library set up a rebel training camp and an arena where kids could "compete." Enhancing the fun was music by a disc jockey, Shake Shack refreshments and contests for best costumes and skill-based challenges.

"We did a `Hunger Games' event last March to coincide with the release of the first fllm," said Jaina Lewis[3] , the library's teen services director. "We had a great response, with 125 kids. As it was so popular, we decided to do a part two in light of the new movie coming out. Fans are really excited and this event helps fire them up."

Lewis said a committee of teens planning the event had read the book together and envisioned activity stations that would prompt interaction during the program. About 65 young people registered for the event in advance, while about 100 ultimately attended.

"Something like this brings in a brand-new crowd -- often kids who have not been in the library for years," said Lewis. "We are really tapping into fandom, with many die-hard followers here. This has the same vibe as the `Harry Potter[4] ' and `Twilight' crazes. This is my favorite. The series has a strong female in Katniss, who's a good role model. And the books appeal to both sexes. There's also a strong hero narrative, and we can certainly use more heroes."

Among those attending was 11-year-old Westporter Fillipa Ramos[5] , carrying a toy bow and arrow and dressed as Katniss. "You always see new things that you are not really expecting. That keeps me interested, because you never know what's going to happen. This event gives me and my friends a chance to express ourselves and act out some of the scenes that we love."


  1. ^ Westport Library (www.westport-news.com)

  2. ^ Suzanne Collins (www.westport-news.com)

  3. ^ Jaina Lewis (www.westport-news.com)

  4. ^ Harry Potter (www.westport-news.com)

  5. ^ Westporter Fillipa Ramos (www.westport-news.com)


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