Chris Brown and his mom, Joyce Hawkins, have been at odds for some time, according to insiders, and their feud came recently came to a head in rehab.

At issue? Joyce believes Breezy's friends are disrespectful losers who got him hooked on drugs, turned him into a thug and sponge off of his money.

Clearly, this predates the epic meltdown that got Chris Brown kicked out of rehab[1] for throwing rocks at her car. His pals have long been a point of contention.

Joyce believes that Chris' posse only hangs around to take advantage of him, and that they got him into smoking weed and acting like a general miscreant.

Brown is so into "self-medicating" these days that he is regularly stoned[2] around his own mother, sources say, and she got fed up with his disrespectfulness.

When she visited him in rehab earlier this month, this boiled over.

Joyce urged her 24-year-old son to stay in treatment for much longer than the two weeks or so that he'd already been in the Malibu, Calif., rehab facility.

He disagreed, apparently, threw a fit and busted up her car.

Chris is back in rehab now, where he was ordered by a judge to complete 90 days of anger management treatment as part of his probation in the Rihanna[3] case.

Chris Brown: Back in Rehab

Maybe this time, he'll take Joyce's words to heart and consider whether his friends are positive influences ... but just to be safe, maybe mom should steer clear.


  1. ^ Chris Brown kicked out of rehab (

  2. ^ he is regularly stoned (

  3. ^ Rihanna (


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