She's well into the promotional campaign for her Las Vegas residency and upcoming studio album Britney Jean, but that doesn't mean Britney Spears enjoys being followed by paparazzi photographers wherever she goes - so, she says, she is trying to make herself "uninteresting" to them.

The star is often snapped looking extremely dressed-down as she goes to and from rehearsals, or out to the supermarket - and it seems her refusal to make too much of an effort with her appearance is all part of her plan.

“This is the thing,” she told Vegas Player, “I’m actually really shy. I don’t like having my picture taken. I don’t like the attention, but it’s something that comes with success.

Britney Spears attends her sons' soccer match (WENN)

"I’ve accepted the paparazzi are going to be there; I just try to wear the same thing every day so I become uninteresting.”

The 'Perfume' singer, whose new album tracklisting reveals that she has collaborated with her younger sister Jamie Lynn, has also dished out some pearls of wisdom about getting to grips with fame at a young age, calling it a "spectacular" experience. Despite falling publicly off the rails in 2007 and 2008, Brit now seems to be one of the shyest popstars in the business, and she claims that it's all down to the people she surrounds herself with.

Britney stuns in her Britney Jean album artwork (Packshot)

She recalled of her breakthrough: "It was kind of like a dream. I’m from a small town and I wasn’t expecting anything. When it happened, it was kind of surreal.

"I got so busy traveling that I was oblivious to it all. I didn’t even realise what was happening. It was like a dream that I never woke up from. It was pretty spectacular."

She added: "It’s important to have a group of people around you who can keep you down to Earth. It’s a mind-altering experience when you become a pop star at such a young age. Some people are made for it and some people aren’t. If you keep good friends around you and stay grounded, you’ll be ok.”


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