Fashion & Style[1]

Posted by Staff / October 28, 2013[2]

Toronto Street StyleFashion Week is now a wrap. Throughout the last week I've been posting photos from inside and outside the tents at David Pecaut Square. I covered hats[3] , tartan[4] and outfits that married black and white[5] . And then there was the opening night party[6] . But during the week I snapped many more photos of looks that grabbed my attention. This collection showcases some of my favourites.

Check out all 40 looks in our Style section[7]

Thanks to MasterCard Stylicity for sponsoring our coverage of Toronto Fashion Week[8]


  1. ^ More articles regarding Fashion & Style (

  2. ^ Staff (

  3. ^ hats (

  4. ^ tartan (

  5. ^ married black and white (

  6. ^ opening night party (

  7. ^ Check out all 40 looks in our Style section (

  8. ^ Thanks to MasterCard Stylicity for sponsoring our coverage of Toronto Fashion Week (


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