Princess Eugenie[1] has managed to swing herself a cushty little job at upmarket auction house Paddle8 in New York. And guess what? We've been on style watch ever since.

It seems like Genie has really upped her style game since going Stateside, and we've already spotted her her in an electric-blue miniskirt and over-knee boots[2] . Yes, really.


Her latest outfit outing? A tartan miniskirt, which appeared to be threatening to have a 'Marilyn Monroe' moment at any given time.

Eugenie[3] teamed her tartan with sensible black ballet pumps and a matching shirt, and kept her bobbed hair loose and tousled.

The young royal seems to have slotted into NY life seamlessly, enjoying the cafe culture at top eateries like Dean & Deluca.

But the Big Q is: Will she make it back for little Prince George's christening[4] next week?


  1. ^ Princess Eugenie (

  2. ^ an electric-blue miniskirt and over-knee boots (

  3. ^ Eugenie (

  4. ^ Prince George's christening (


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